Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Week 2

This week was a little weak. I went to a birthday party on Saturday. Cake and a brunch. (not good). I will make it up with a painful workout. I started taking Xcience nox CG3. This is a workout booster. (lamen terms.) It works unbelievably well. I can push more reps than I thought I was capable of.

In this picture, My belly doesn't seem to be shrinking, but my arms have grown. I've gained almost 3/4 of an inch in my biceps. ell until week 3 chiau Posted by Picasa

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Week 1

Well! One week has past and it sure doesn't show in my picture. I've dropped 3 lbs. and I'm down to 23% bodyfat. The dieting at night is the toughest. I'm so used to grabbing peanuts or chips. Now i can't do those things anymore. If I occupy my time with something that interests me, I don't think about snacking. I can't wait for this week. My goal is to drop another 3 lbs. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Week 0

Well I'm officially starting my Body For Life challenge tomorrow. I am 5'8" tall. I'm currently 180 lb and I have 24.5% bodyfat. I am a load! This will be 12 weeks of pure Hell and Redemption. My goal is to get my weight to 155 and be at 7% bodyfat. I know this is a lofty goal but I'll be damned if I don't make it. Posted by Picasa