Monday, September 10, 2007


God I remember sitting up in bed and my Wife always has the TV on. I remember seeing the fire and a local firefighter saying how bad this was. I, knowing nothing, thought it wasn't that bad. I was getting ready for work and putting my boots on and the second plane hit. I remember being stunned and confused. I said screw work this is something entirely catastrophic. I remember the building falling and I said something like WTF? I remember being instantly furious , sad, horrified and helpless. What a horrible day in our lives. It seemed as though that day would never end. 2,987 people died that day. The first firefighter to die that day was killed by a falling body. The horror stories are endless. I thank God everyday that I live and I am able to see my children grow. Life is so fragile


Anonymous said...

That was one of those days many people will never forget what they were doing, I had the perspective of being in the Navy and being pregnant at the time, quite frightening. I am thankful each day that I get to wake up and share another day with my family.

BarefootJon said...

I'll never forget it. I was at work and my wife IM'd me telling me something was happening, but we thought it was just a fire. Once I heard about the second plane I knew something was very wrong. I didn't have a radio so I kept trying to find live streams on the web, but couldn't. I ended up going home and watched the TV all day. It was horrible :(

E-29 said...

i was pregnant too. all i could remember was clutching my stomach, i went to work and couldn't keep my eyes off the tv. can't imagine the homeless children, childless parents, siblings, friends-what they went through. all of it was unnecessary. i like that song. it's one that i can sing.

C2 said...

Definitely a day that will forever be engraved in our memories.

Love the song! Thanks Greg!

~ Elizabeth

JerseyGirl said...

My daughter was in preschool, that day. My mom called and told me to turn on the news...I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I watched in horror on live tv as the towers came down. My husband stayed home with our infant son, and I literally ran across the street and retrieved our daughter from her school. I think that was the most insecure I ever felt, and it took me a long time to feel comfortable being apart from my daughter, again, during school. It was the scariest and saddest of days.


jillahoo said...

I was in the OR and someone came in to tell us what happened. We watched for a while....gave people the option of rescheduling their surgeries. They didn't so I had to keep working, checking news between cases. All I wanted to do was go watch and keep up on what was going on. Work seemed like such a poor use of time that day.