Thursday, May 31, 2007

Thank You

Thank You!!







It was kind of fun…….I need to get that EFL book. My eating choices are so boring.


MichelleInFlorida said...

Eileen is right on about EFL, Blue. However, it does have some would-be-sinful-treats-if-it-weren't-for-substitutes desserts. Things like cheesecake, oatmeal pancakes, etc. I've never had the cheesecake but everyone seems to like it. Just my take.

Question for you Blue: Did you have any cheat days AT ALL? It looks like you didn't.

Greg said...

Thank You Eileen and Michelle. I'll look for it in my Library if they don't arrest me for late charges. I'm eating any of the fibrous carbs. Still eat a lot of cottage cheese. Tonight for dinner I had a pork chop with Asian Stir Fry veggies and Sweet Potato French fries. Yum Yum

Michelle I took maybe three free days. I was usually a cheat meal. I went long stretches without any bad foods. I drank a ton of water. There were other supps I used like Chromium, Multivitamins, Creeatine, Glutamine and Maltodextrin for insulin spikes.

Lori said...

3 free days! Wow that's great. I need to be that determined.

KC said...

You're welcome!

I like the EFL book. Not every single one of my meals comes from that, but I do use it frequently.

Yeah, the snack suggestions are sort of a joke that - string cheese and an apple - like I need a recipe book to figure that out. :) Still some good suggestions though.

chantal2bfit said...

I agree with Eileen on the EFL book. But since I don't know how to cook and I'm not creative with my meals, it has helped me a lot. Lately, I've been doing some of Rachel Ray's 30 minute meals, but modifying it to be more BFL friendly. Too much EVOO is not exactly "healthful". :)

PrincessB#1 said...

I have gotten some great ideas from the EFL book those protein pancakes...they are great. I think it was worth the purchase.