Saturday, July 14, 2007

Day 6

Saturday – Shoulders

  1. Dumbbell Military Press NO BACK SUPPORT - 4 sets 12-15 reps
  2. Seat Front Dumbbell Raise NO BACK SUPPORT - 4 sets 12-15 reps
  3. Standing Side Lateral Raise - 4 sets 12-15 reps
  4. Bent Over Rear Delt Fly - 3 sets 12-15 reps
  5. - smooth and controlled motion
  6. Seated Calf Raises – 4 sets 15 reps
I was a little tired this morning and felt awkwardly unprepared. When I got to the gym it was closed. I realized they don't open on the weekends until 7:00. What kills me is I already supplemented myself for the workout i.e. XTEND
And pre-workout creatine. WTH!, So I went to a job site for an hour in my workout clothes and did stuff for an hour. As soon as I started working out I felt a million times better and focused. I'm not going to post my weight because really..what's the point? I think I've leveled off anyhow. Tomorrow is a no weight training day but I will run in the morning. I have a big BBQ tomorrow night and I'm debating whether or not to eat like a normal human being. So far 6 straight clean eating days. I mean perfect.


Lori said...

I have done that same exact thing on a Sunday morning. OUr gym doesn't open until 8am and I got there at 5:30am. Bummer.

On the bent over rear delt flyes, do you use much less weight on this? For some reason I am SO WEAK on this. I mean using 8 lb db's.

Greg said...

Hi Lori! Absolutely. I won't even mention the weight, but I will tell you that I might as well be lifting cockroaches. Rear delts are my absolute weakness. Shoulders in general are the scariest muscle groups to work and I'm always afraid to push myself.

Lori said...

My weakest too by far. I guess I should work them harder so that it won't be my weakness.