Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Week 2 Day 2

Tuesday – Legs

  • Squat - 3 sets 12 reps each leg
  • Straight Leg Dead Lift - 3 sets 12 reps
  • Leg Curl - 3 sets 12- reps
  • Leg Press - 3 sets 12 reps each leg
  • Leg Extension - 3 sets 12 reps
  • Standing Calf Raises - 3sets 12reps
  • Seated Calf Raise - 3sets 12reps
Today was great! I went really heavy on all lifts. When I got to the leg pres this monster was just finishing his set. He began taking the plates off and I said hey don’t worry about those I’ll take care of them. Now this guy is easily 6’5” and weighs at least 300. He kept mumbling something like I was trying to do you a favor or something like that. Well I stuck another plate on each side and did 3 sets of twelve. It wasn’t miracle weight or nothing but it was 6 plates on each side. I was proud that this little pygmy person could push what that hulk could. J That powder I mentioned before XTEND does work. My legs feel great right now and they shouldbe blown to dust.


BarefootJon said...

Great...a new supplement to try :) I feel like I've tried them all :) It's nice to hear a good review from a real person. Congrats on the leg press!

Lori said...

Is that stuff just for men? I need something to give me a pump during a workout but not keep me up all night.

Greg said...

JON - Thanks! It seems to work pretty well. My legs are pretty sore today so it isn't a miracle powder. It does however keep you going strong with your workout.

Lori - It's not just for men. It is glutamine and BCAA's It has no caffeine in it. Go to Scivation.com and investigate it.