Monday, July 17, 2006


Last Monday I was on my last workout and I blew it. I’ve been feeling so good that I miscalculated my limit. I was doing weighted dips. I usually put 70# on the belt and this day I put 80#. I finished my 4 sets of six, but felt something go a little haywire in my chest. I finished my workout and didn’t heed my body’s warning.  I think Friday was the day I sunk the last nail in my coffin. I did something like 180 push-ups and I believe that was when the worm turned. I was taking a shower afterward and my chest hurt so bad I could barely breathe. All I could think of was “Hurry with the shower cause I don’t want to die naked in the gym’s shower.” It was pretty scary.  I decided to go ahead and try to workout today. I got about 1/3 through and just couldn’t continue. I haven’t quit on a workout yet until today.   This is pretty upsetting. I set up a Doctor’s Appt. for tomorrow and I’ll find out what the deal is. I would have to say the moral of the story is…don’t be stupid.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My husband has pulled ligaments around his ribs (I think that's what it was) from sneezing. Sounds silly, but it hurt A LOT and he was certain he was dying. (When he sneezes, it can be 10 to 20 times. He once sneezed himself sober.)

Anyway, his dad had a heart attack at 37 so he was freaking out about it. Turns out he had a sneezing injury.

I had to laugh about you not wanting to die naked in the gym shower.